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Get to know Colby McGhee | Neosho Jr High | C/O 2027

Fall of 2022 season McGhee had in only 6 games on offense 442 all purpose yards & 3 touchdown on defense he rack up 41 tackles and 1 sack and 2 forced fumble.

Here at Exposure University. We always want to highlight athlete. we ask them 10 questions for us the better get to know them and understand them on and off the field. Here's what you know about McGhee.


1.What made you play football? I started young to see what it was about and found I love tackling and trucking people. My love for the sport only grew from there.

2. Who is your Biggest Mentor? I would have to say Zach Thompson. He is my personal trainer and former D1 and semi pro running back. He has helped me the most and pushes me to be the best I can be.

3. Dream School? The University of Arkansas is by far the school I would love to play for one day.

4. Who is a player you look up to? Mike Alstott because I like the way he runs and I've been told a lot I run like him. Defensively, Lawrence Taylor because he was a freak on the field.

5. How do you handle Adversity / Pressure?

I don't think about it I just do what needs done whether it's stopping a play on the goal line or getting the 1st down on 4th and 1.

6. What's your greatest Accomplishedments?Most recently is being awarded defensive player of the year for the Neosho Jr High football program.

7. How do you handle pressure? By being prepared for anything that can happen. 

8. How many years you played football?I've been playing football for 6 years since I was 8 years old.

9. How has being and athlete made you a better person? It's really taught me respect, responsibility and to be accountable. 

10. If you can play another sport what would it be? Boxing because it really helped me with my stamina and conditioning plus it was fun. 


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